+31 (0)6 46 15 81 20 [email protected]
Clean Language Event 26th - 28th September 2024

Annual Clean Language Event

In September, we offer you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills in Clean Language over three consecutive days, each offering a different approach. These days also provide a great chance to meet old acquaintances and new like-minded individuals!

Below is a brief of what we will be offering on the different days.

Masterclass – Choice points

Thursday, September 26

Facilitated by Penny Tompkins, Caitlin Walker, and James Lawley

“And what happens just before we run that old pattern? Discovering choice points and how to create new ways of being response-able.”

The theme for this workshop is choice points. The masterclass will be conducted in English.

We all have unwanted habits when it’s like we are on auto-pilot, compelled to get caught in the same pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviour – over and over.

And, whether we are aware or not, there are moments in every pattern when we can make a different choice. We can run the same old pattern of behaviour or we can be ‘response-able’.

When we discover these ‘choice points’ we can slow time down and learn how to access the resources needed in that moment to create alternative pathways – both neurologically and behaviourally.

In this masterclass you’ll learn how to discover the choice points in patterns, and how we can influence ourselves to have more choice to respond and act in more life-affirming ways.

Some pictures of Clean Language Event 2023

Conference – Patterns

Friday, September 27

Similar to the previous two conferences, we have attached a theme to the day. Patterns are an important aspect of our daily lives. Patterns in our thinking, speaking, and acting. And patterns play a significant role in how we apply Clean Language, so there is plenty to discover!

The day starts at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:30 am. We will “end” the day at about 5:00 pm with networking & drinks as usual till 6:00 pm!
However, not really end…

New: optional evening program

Use the time on Friday evening to enjoy a dinner with us, followed by an evening program that we will co-create together. Think of storytelling, board or card games, making music/jam sessions, good conversations, brainstorming. Perhaps you have other ideas you would like to propose?

Keynote – Patterns on Identity Level

This keynote will be given by Okke Gerritsen. Click on the image to the right to read more about his keynote.

Session speakers

Like last year we will have two tracks of sessions happening in parralel. One track wil have sessions in English, the other in Dutch.

Click for more information; Keynote "Patterns on Identity Level" by Okke Gerritsen

Conference Program

This is what the day will look like:

  • Welcome and opening of the day
  • Keynote by Okke Gerritsen.
  • Session round 1
  • Lunch
  • Session round 2
  • Session round 3
  • Debrief & Closing
  • Drinks & Networking

The English track consists of three sessions. Click on the image below to learn more about each session.

Click for more information; conference speaker Annemiek van Helsdingen: Neuroscience of Change & Embodied Metaphors: How can behavioural patterns be replaced effectively?
Click for more information; conference speakers James Lawley & Penny Tompkins: PRO for Life
Click for more information; Conference Speakers - Dr Caitlin Walker - Neuroscience of Change & Embodied Metaphors

The Dutch track consists of three sessions. Click on the image below to read more about each session.

Click for more information; conference speakers Kirste den Hollander and Rita Bouwens: Flaws in the fabric of our thinking – Clean helps to unravel
Click for more information; Conference Speakers - Jacqueline Doomen and Michael Oskam
Click for more information; conference speakers Wendy Nieuwland and Maaike Nooitgedagt: Patterns in Liminality
Pictures of Clean Language Event 2023

Open Space – Experimenting & Experiencing

Saturday, September 28

The Open Space concept was successfully introduced last year and we are bringing it back to CLE this year. That means a full day of interesting sessions and possibly some FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). On this day, you can propose and shape your own session. Other participants can then attend your session. If you have a theme or question for a session, you can propose it. We will then work with the group to see if there is someone willing to facilitate a session on that topic. Do you want to facilitate a session? You don’t have to do it alone, ask another participant to do it with you.

We will end the day and the event with networking & drinks as usual!

Dutch video of Michel and Pascal explaining about the Open Space day.

Practical Information

Early Bird Offers and Bundles:

For those who already know they want to attend and decide to buy tickets first, we offer an early bird discount. This discount applies to a certain number of tickets, and it’s first come, first served! Scroll down to see which tickets are still available.
For those who want to attend all days, we have a limited number of All-In Tickets available.


Just like in 2022, we have chosen De Lunterse Boer. This location is beautifully situated in the woods and offers the space and facilities that suit CLE. There are hotel rooms available. There are hotel rooms at De Lunterse Boer. For those who want to spend one or more nights please check availablitity and reserve the rooms with De Lunterse Boer.
Phone: +31 318 48 36 57
Address: Boslaan 87, 6741 KD Lunteren
Website: www.lunterseboer.nl


The beautifully located and quiet spot of De Lunterse Boer means that it is more difficult to reach by public transport. Therefore, we ask you to consider carpooling solutions together. Taking care of the environment and being there for each other. For planning your trip to De Lunterse Boer, we advise you to use google maps and if you have specific wishes or questions, please contact us!

Lunch & Dietary Requirements:

Throughout the day, there will be coffee, tea, water, and snacks. Each day includes a lunch buffet.
If you have specific dietary requirements, please specify them in the form when purchasing your tickets. If you are buying tickets for multiple people, please clearly indicate for whom these dietary requirements are relevant.


Each day, we will greet you from 09:30 with coffee & tea and, of course, the opportunity to make your name badge!
Expect an end time of around 18:00, but on Friday, of course, we expect to see most of you even after that time due to the evening program!


Please use the form below to order your ticket or visit our Ticket Tailor shop directly.